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'Soviet Fireballs in Alaska Skies' (September 22nd 1952)
By Robery S. Alles
Chicago, July 21st - 'There is another important matter besides presidential politics on the minds of top officials attending the Democratic convention. It is a gravely alarming and baffling spectre.
Scientists and military authorities have established beyond any question of doubt that Russian planes and missiles of some kind, are secretly invading U.S. Skies.
Soviet planes have been positively traced as far south as the Alaska Peninsula extending off the southwest coast of Alaska. These mysterious flights at tremendous heights have been going on for at least three months. There are obviously reconnaissance or training missions, or both. Other suspected Russian planes have been reported far to the north in Alaska, but these identifications are less certain than the others.
But most sinister of all are the fantastic missiles. These things have no connection with the flying ‘’saucers’’ and ‘’discs’’ that pop up in the press from time to time. The disquieting missiles are entirely different. They are what are usually described as fireballs of various hues, mostly green.
One reason why authorities are primely so disturbed about these mysterious devices is that they are comparable to certain highly secret and extraordinary U.S. developments in this field.
On the theory that if we can devise certain weapons then others can make them too, the increasingly frequent reports of strange fireballs are viewed by officials are profoundly disquieting evidence that there is a lot of them.
For security reasons, only a few of these areas can be cited. One of them is the Baltic Sea, where two Swedish reconnaissance planes were shot down by the Russians last month. The reds have been conducting missile-type projects in this region since 1946, and Sweden and others have extensive data on Soviet, ‘’Fireballs’’.
Devices that are apparently very similar to those that have been seen in the Baltic have been authoritatively accounted for in three different places in the United States.
In each of these locations is a vital defence installation - one of them Atomic. A leading American authority on fireballs is Dr. Lincoln La Paz, meteorologist of the University of New Mexico.
He stresses that there is a big difference between these fireballs and ‘’shooting stars’’. The former are man-made, and the later are not. Late July and August is the period when shooting stars usually bombarded the Earth. That is a natural phenomena.
‘’But there is a clear distinction between stars and the so-called green fireballs,’’ explains Dr. La Paz. ‘’Shooting stars are ordinarily whitish, yellowish orange-coloured. The fireball, on the other hand, is bright yellow-green or copper-green. The are definitely not shootings stars.’’
Note: The government will pay a large sum of money to anyone who finds a piece of green fireball, no matter how small. Contact Dr. La Paz or the Air Force imme

The green fireball seen
above Brisbane on
May 16, 2006
diately if you locate a particle.'
What's the Truth behind the Green Fireballs?
''We have a device which we have used many times since the year 1947, of your time, and that device is what has popularly been called a Green Fireball. This green fireball is a scientific device of our making which is capable of neutralising dangerous amounts of radiation in your atmosphere.'' - Venusian Intelligence known as Voltra (January 11th, 1956)
''Implosion Devices: These devices are remotely controlled and dispatched from Mother-ships or Scout Patrol Vessels, whatever type of craft needs to use them. They appear to be circular and radiate a brilliant green colour. The major function of these devices is to absorb radioactivity by the process of magnetic attraction. These devices can be destroyed and all radioactive content neutralised. We owe our lives to the Space Beings for acting in this way on our behalf.'' - George King (1964)
''Most of those who have studied or have had experience with the UFO or Flying Saucer are convinced that the fireballs are controlled and perhaps sent to us by the intelligences which operate the Saucers. Since the effects of the fireball seem to be beneficent, and since the appearance of the ‘Saucer’ is so frequently accompanied by the appearance of fireballs, it seems entirely possible that there may be a significant link between the two.'' - Daniel Fry (1956)
Here's a Report from NBC News (November 30th, 2010)
''Green Fireball UFO's Identified: Research suggest Australians saw meteors and and ball lightning in 2006
Green fireballs that streaked across the sky and rolled down an Australian mountainside four years ago, spurring reports of UFOs in the area, might have been meteors and ball lightning, a researcher suggests.
The timing of the fireballs suggests they might have been debris from Comet 73P/Schwassmann–Wachmann 3, said physicist Stephen Hughes at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.
The green ball the farmer saw roll down the slope was almost certainly not a meteorite, Hughes said. No perfectly round meteorite a foot wide has ever been found, and if it were one, it wouldn't be rolling slowly down a hill.
Instead, Hughes suggests it might have been ball lightning, mysterious glowing orbs of light usually seen during thunderstorms. The green fireball might have provided an electrical connection between the ground and the ionized layer of atmosphere known as the ionosphere, providing the energy needed for ball lightning.''
It's interesting to note that the U.S. Air Force had been very interested in these Green Fireballs since the late 1940's and in December of 1949, Project Twinkle was created.
This was to be a network of stations with one duty-observe, study, and collect data on the fireball phenomena. This project did little to solve the mystery, and was disbanded two years later. They had now decided that the phenomena was after all, atmospheric in nature (officially!)
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