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My story: The Ibiza Experience:

By:Barbara Neville
Date: Thu,24 Oct 2024
Submitter:barbara Neville

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My story: The Ibiza Experience:
I was getting excited about the holiday with quite a lot of fear and trepidation and wondering if I will cope with doing this on my own, it was scary, but you know what they say; ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’, I had faith that this was correct, and it will be fine.
Flying to Ibiza it was easy because I flew from the local airport.
So here we are! looking out of the window of the plane and seeing the creamy, sandy, landscape with the palm trees and cactus plants growing everywhere, a feeling of happiness came over me, the heat touched my face as I came down the steps of the plane, it was warm and sunny, and I have of two weeks in this lovely place; even coming through customs was easy.

A taxi took me to the place I was staying, this was an apartment overlooking the sea, it was on the quiet side of this charming island, away from the raucous holiday maker who were here to have a very lively holiday.

The area is noteworthy, a bit rocky, and the sea is full of life, with holiday makers milling about, the unpacking can wait, I went out to explore and to find the shops to buy the necessary food stuff, it was exciting. On coming out of the shop I appreciated that my fears had gone, as I crossed the road that took me to the beach to soak up the ambience and observing the region itself, finally going back to the apartment and settled in, it was evening, and the journey had tired me out, bed called me.

The timing of this trip is in the portal of the summer solstice and there is to be a full moon that was relevant to the healing that I am going to do here. Es Vedra is a little island just off the coast of the main island, it is this place that my guidance is drawn to.

What is so special about Vedra?
It is a small rocky atoll that has been shrouded in myths and legends since ancient times. There is a belief that it is home to the sirens in Homer´s Odyssey whose songs lured sailors to their death by causing them to shipwreck. It is said to have magnetic energy that envelops Ibiza that can be compared with Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.

Others claim it is the birthplace of Tanit, the moon goddess of dance, fertility, wisdom, and protector of Ibiza.
Stranger still, the islet is believed to be a magical place that possesses special powers, there have been many accounts of people who say they have seen UFOs and mysterious lights in the vicinity of the island.

These tales are told by local fishermen and scuba divers who claim to have heard metallic sounds and seen lights enter and leave the waters around the rock aka USOs (unidentified submerged objects).
A commercial airliner on-route from Mallorca to Tenerife in 1979, had to make an emergency landing near Valencia after it had been pursued by three red lights for some time! Many more legends exist, but none of them have been proved.
The reason I was directed to go to Ibiza is to be near the island of El Vedra, which is one of the most magnetic places on earth, the others being Findhorn and Bermuda the North and South Pole, I could never possibly have got to Bermuda too far away, can't fly that far, but I have been to Findhorn and now Ibiza to be near Es Vedra, it has a cave on it which goes deeply down into the centre where the magnetic field comes up.

The magnetism is so strong you cannot get a compass reading on this place in the same way as the north pole, being in the area and because we are all connected as in all life, the healing and harmonising of the magnetic and electromagnetic fields will be done by inspiration and following my instincts.
The atoll is out of reach for me, it is a boat trip and scrambling across rocky terrain then going into a cave, my physical body cannot do these things, my guide is telling me that that doesn't matter because of the inter-connectedness of all life.

And they're also telling me that we are going to have a full moon this month while I'm here and it's going to be a rose moon and it's very close to earth and very powerful.

I still don't quite know why I'm doing it. I know it's attached to the stuff I did in Findhorn, so it is to do with rebalancing earth and getting ready for the Ascension energies coming in, I do know that, but that's as far as I get, there are other things of course, I'm on this lovely island enjoying a holiday I didn't swim in the sea, it was a bit chilly.

I do not like being on the beach on my own with other people’s families all around me. It makes me feel very weird and lonely, but the apartment that I live in has its own swimming pool which is just up the road and when I got there it is totally isolated. There were no people there whatsoever everyone went to the beach, so I could sit by this pool swimming when I wanted to and be alone and meditate in this space with no interference.

I was going to cook for myself which was a mistake. I can't be bothered, so I decided to eat out. I found places where I could eat the food. One was a place where they just did plain pasta and tomato sauce with no trimmings which is good for me and then I discovered in English café, with all English food, they did a cooked breakfast.

The people who run it were English and they imported the food from the U K they were very friendly, they all lived on Ibiza I've got on really well with them and they tried to talk me into coming and moving permanently onto island, the trouble with that is I would have had to leave my family, my children I possibly could never do that, Plus the fact I did not want to live abroad.
I have lived abroad for a year in Bahrain with my husband when I was younger, it was wonderful we had a fabulous time, but there is a certain loneliness about not living in your own country, I felt that’ when I was in Bahrain, although there were lots of English people who lived there for a long time.

They also had that loneliness, their dream was to make enough money to come back and buy the house in England and retire, although they were living in a place that was paradise, I mean heat wise, food wise, every way you could look at it, we were living in paradise with palm trees and very warm. After a period, everyone wishes to come back to their homeland.
We did get offered a permanent job there, but we turned it down, because my husband and I decided we do like our home country, we are terribly English and could never consider living in another country permanently.

So, when was I was in Ibiza and the people were saying to me, you've got a come and live here? It's paradise I just said no, I know it looks like paradise and it is wonderful, but it is not for me, to live abroad. I'll just come for holidays.

I'm very, very truly English, patriotic if you like, I like England, I like everything about England, even the government even when it's being nauseous, but never mind that, I like to be in my home country but while I was in Ibiza I went and talked and chatted to these people which gave me a good friendship.
I found out that I could get a much cheaper place to stay if I wanted to go back there, the place I was staying wasn't cheap, it was quite expensive but very luxurious and I spent two weeks happily passing my days with these people.

The times I was on my own I spent talking to my guides and being guided to the energetic work of the magnetic fields and electromagnetic energy connected to the island.

I knew then that what’ I was doing was correct. I didn't quite know what’ exactly I was supposed to do, but I never do, what I did know was while I am there, the energy is changing and I was helping it but I didn't realise how much impact it would have upon me while I was doing it, the influence on me was especially strong at night.

The water round the island is so clear, that you could see the fish swimming around in shallow water it was very striking, and I loved it.
There was a local market which I had every intention of going to, but the energy was so strong it wiped me out, and I didn't want to spend my day mooching round a market, after I was up all night with the energy flying through me like vapourers clouds of pure light.

In my thoughts I was being give info; Gaia and myself are transmuting, I knew I was in the star portal that was anchored into the Ibiza portal at Vedra, where the magnetism is strongest, at the same time, I was ‘holding’, my position over Gaia and the Atlantic ocean, the energy is strong and different, I was told to breath and relax, I felt I was the shape of the cradle, stretching across the Atlantic Ocean.

I found that the energy, is making me sleep a lot and I am having lucid dreams, about the energy changing and transmuting, some of these are strange, leaving me disorientated.
I ask for some instruction:

Marne, you are transmuting through the deep portal of the magnetic core, we are with you, the island Vedra is just off the coast of where you are staying, the magnetic core is what you are working on, you do not have to go out to it because of the interconnection of all life is complete.

All you need to do is focus on it and breath, we do not want you to go anywhere or do anything, just be conscious and expand your love light and vibration.

On this night, you are expanding out to the milky way’s black hole, through the star systems Boötes and the planet Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades and Orion, also you must expand inward to the ancient Atlantis souls in Agatha, the Arcturus energy portal has anchored into the magnetic vortex, and connected into the cradle in Gaia, it is emitting energy of pure light, focus and hold it, facing the south.
This left me disorientated and I was so sleepy, I spent my time laying in the shade of trees by the pool drifting in and out of sleepy dreamy state, the beach was lovely but there was no shade, and I wanted to be out of the direct sunlight for my own comfort.

Time brough me to the night of the full moon, it was the most disturbing energetically, trying to sleep was a waste, not an option, instead of ‘being’ asleep I was drifting in and out of dream state sometimes unable to remember, other times I was wide awake; it is the first time I had been consciously awake, experiencing the different dimensions; the moon, had an amplifying effect on me.
I was instructed to sit facing the isle of Vedre and use the compass to make sure I was sitting in the right place, then focus on the full moon, it was so big and pinkish, I could feel its power and let myself go into the feelings.

This is my soul self-teaching, me to ‘be’ in the multi Ds, whilst being consciously aware of my room and the noise outside, I am in my multi Ds expanded light body, I felt very uncomfortable and I was told to breath into every organ, blood vessel, bones, molecules, head, brain every part of my body, as I did this, all became relaxed and I open into my multi D light body.
This took half an hour of earth time, I am told to get up and drink lots of water, so I did, and went back and looked at the full moon, it is a super moon and is Hugh, it has a pink aura.
I am feeling more comfortable about it, and I am to go about my life, as usual, being in this expanded state and allowing my soul self, to direct me and surrender completely, whilst I am here in Ibiza, today I am going to walk to the south point and sit.
The feeling and colour within my body is calm, red, and violet, the violet flame of freedom is within Gaia and myself, and I fell asleep.

The energy has cleared now, headache has eased today, and this place is mucking about with my energy a lot! One Minuit I am ok, the next, I cry, then must sleep because I am dizzy, the energy is greatly amplified, I am transmuting this light, through Gaia’s and my body, it’s bound to make me feel strange, it’s all correct, expand your heart.

The higher beings, are saying, that these energies, come in waves that run over and through me and I HAVE, to stop what I am doing and surrender to it, as it ebbs and flows.
We are all working in the higher frequency light, multi Ds, you must keep relaxed then the effects will be a lot less, sleep a lot.
During that day, I walked round to the south craggy bay and sat and connected to this spot and stayed that way for a time. Took a picture of the sun it had a cross in pink orbs all round it.

For the last three days I have been aware of an energy surge, that’s sending me off balance, every time its happened, I have given it my exclusive attentiveness of love and connection.

The portals are all connected to the frequency of light and the energy has moved through the strata of earth and is now moving down into inner earth, the creation of the diamond cradle has been absorbed, integrated and activated.

Going home yeah!! In my mind’s eye, I see the image of Ibiza, as a big circle of swirling energy moving over to Southend in a cone type picture, it represents me, taking this home, the job is done now.

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