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Next part of approaching the new way of thinking:
Questions and answers, about things we have not thought of before:
Q: Does every field, IE imagination, intuition, emotion, thoughts, inspiration, have sub levels of density?
Do they all have hidden levels of more refined lighter densities as they go into the conscious energy of earth/universe, does this apply to all energy fields?
In comes my three advisers, and they are laughing at me or with me I am not sure which, but it does not matter, what matters is they are telling me that there are deeper levels of light energy that is prevailing within all other planes in the physical life span.
A: It will always be nine or twelve sub-levels for these are the celestial numbers for creative manifestation.
Q: Do thoughts, imagination, and intuition, have the nine levels?
A: Yes, the great thinkers and inventors of things that seemed incredible had their thoughts through their imagination and intuition that started as ideas on the lower densities, then gradually they become the reality that we have now.
These souls are in tune with their own deeper tiers of understanding and have the inquiring mind to follow through and the courage to stand by their action.
It takes, thoughts, understanding, courage, and action to bring in the new idea’s, the ones who can do this are the pioneers in life, who bring forwards the evolution of humanity.
My next question is how I can use them to the advantage of the humanitarian and ascension of earth and universe. I am asking for you to give me that inspiration.
Sitting at the computer early in this year 2025 and realising that the universe is so big we can only touch the tip of understanding in its unique sum.
How much more progress can we make while we are still alive on the 3D planet, can you tell me?
We can, but you will only understand it in small doses, or it will blow your limited mind, you cannot have all the information, they smile at me.
A big realisation comes to my mind, and a Hugh beam of enlightenment spreads across my’ face as I realise that this is a truth that I have always been told, it makes me feel very happy for some reason, and I have not lost the concept of knowing that all things can’t be seen.
More to the point, how can I understand these creativities.
The answer comes back:
Although you are a pioneer and spiritual holder of the energy of light, you are no different to anyone else, so lose the ego, and all will be exposed gradually and concisely as it is for you to know these things.
Previously you have found your way into the quiet part of the Open Focus meditation and are proficient at it and the state of being at one with the universal divine source, and on that level, you have touched the 9 levels of divine light but are unable to maintain it when you come out of it.
Q: Has this been due to my imagination’s inventiveness?
A: Yes: and the ability to keep absorbed enough due to your life practices and commitment.
Q: Are the emotions more problematic to recognise due to the unconsciousness of my brain?
A: Yes, so at least you understand that!
Your brain limits everything so that you stay mentally protected while you dip in and out of these layers of light intellect.
The light intellect is kept far away from your physical body for a reason, this is to keep you safe from overload, it hovers on the perimeter of the peripheral sight as a thing that can be briefly looked at for the moment, where you can ‘see’ the potential without experiencing the magnitude of these sub-divisions that are infinitely vast, it is more challenging to maintain the data after you come back into 3D reality.
You know how chaotic and disorientated your thoughts get when something vaguely shows itself to your thoughts and mind, it is befuddling, bewildering, and confounding.
When this happens it highlights how you feel, and how you are unable to make sense of it and then how long it takes you before you can get the material idea of what it is, weeks, or months depending on how much time you spend on thinking about it.
These are one of the sub-levels showing itself to you through your super-consciousness, this is what you are dealing with, other people have the equivalent thing but not many are consciously attentive of them, and they are mostly ignored, so they go unrecognised at that time.
This stops the brain from pre-focusing on what it’ is, you are using it all the time and sharing the knowledge.
In this way, you and others like you are raising the light of all things by doing what you do, in that way you are using it to its best advantage.
So, the answer to your question is yes, all energy fields have the sub-levels going right up the divine source and... before you ask’ yes, you have these things inside of your physical bodies as the god and universe within.
Get used to it, they say with a big smile.
Be light. Be love. Be happy.
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