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Hello, my name is Louise Francis and I am a Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner, Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner and Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reader.
I offer Hands-on-Healing (in person or distant sessions available), Soul Realignment, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Readings and Oracle Card Readings by phone, skype, email or in person.
My passion is to help others awaken and connect to their inner wisdom.
My services include:
- Helping you connect to your intuition and to your Spirit Guides
- Revealing your Soul's history, gifts and talents
- Clear negative influences that prevent yo
u from expressing who you are
- Healing through past and present life clearing
- Releasing negative karmic patterns
- Releasing emotional trauma, fears and anxieties
- Balancing mind, body and soul
- Helping you to understand yourself and what you are going through
- Helping you to move forward and create what you do want in your life
- Providing Spiritual Wisdom, Intuitive Guidance and Angelic Healing
To book a free consultation to discuss your current situation and how I may assist you, and for full information about my services, visit
with Love and Light
Louise x
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