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The word Merkaba is actually composed of three separate words: Mer, which means light, Ka, which means spirit and Ba, which means Body. Put together, these three words connote the union of spirit with the body, surrounded by light. The symbol, which takes the shape of a star, is believed to be a divine vehicle made entirely of light and designed to transport or connect the spirit and body to higher realms. Ancient Jewish texts reveal that the word is also the Hebrew for a chariot, and the Bible reveals that the word Merkaba itself is found in the Old Testament a total of 44 times.
It is said that the symbol is composed of two-star tetrahedrons, which consists of counter-rotating fields of light and energy that surrounds each person
. This energy extends beyond the body. Some believe that even planets have this Merkaba energy field around it.The varieties of benefits of using the Merkaba are greatly varied: It is a most powerful healing and protection tool. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique, we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain. This revived use of our gland, which has been virtually dormant for 13,000 years allows the heightened use of our telepathic and extra sensory perception abilities. ??????????????See the full collection here :-
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