Silver Birch - The Spirit Speaks
Silver Birch
The spirit speaks

One of the many spiritual philosophy books from the spirit
guide Silver Birch.
Taken from chapter seven.
Over the years literally hundreds upon hundreds of questions were put to the
guide (Silver Birch) on just about any subject imaginable. And as the following
article proves Silver Birch always gave quite suberb answers to the varied
points put to him. Incidentally, the medium never new in advance what points
were to be raised.
What, for example, happens when we spleep? So asked a visitor, who had already
read serveral books featuring the guide's teachings.
"In the sleep state there is a variety of experiences, ranging from
the purely physical reaction to the spiritual activity," the guide began. "It
is such a tremendous variety that you cannot point to any recollection and
speak with certainty as to where in the range it fits.
"But the reason for sleep is simple. The body is a machine, a wonderous
machine, more wonderful than the greatest engineers in your world could ever
construct, and being a machine it has to rest, otherwise it could not maintain
it's efficiency.
"The other half of the story is that whilst the body, the machine is resting,
the spirit withdraws itself and is active. Truly you die every night, because
the spirit is completely withdrawn from the body, with the silver cord to
maintain the link between to two. The spirit is freed from the body, apart from
the tenuous link.
"During that state, the spirit freely roams in those aspects of our world,
gravitating to those spheres which are natural to its growth and evolution.
Unfortunately, the brain being the smaller, it cannot record the spirit
experiences which are outside the realm of your time and sense dimension.
"When you come to our world, when the cord is severed, you have complete
recollection of every visit that you have made in your earthly sleep state. Now
if you recollect, it is fragmentary; then is becomes permanent."
Silver Birch
I have taken some of the questions that we raised to
Silver Birch from chapter seven of "The Spirit Speaks"
1.How do you call one another in the spirit world?
2.Is it true that persons can reincarnate into different races,
thereby losing trace of their loved ones? This would appear to be a great
3.Do people have the same guides and helpers throughout their life,
or as they develop spiritually do the guides change?
4.You talk of the Great Spirit as "the law," and yet when you pray
you use the term "Thee," implying a personality. To a lot of people this is
rather conflicting?
5.Is the Great Spirit more than an aggregate of His own creation?
6.So that the Great Spirit Himself is also growing to perfection?
7.What settles the time of our entry into the next world? If nothing
can keep us here longer than our appointed time, is this the reason why spirit
healing cannot effect a cure sometimes ?
A.We are given names, when we get beyond the pull of earth, according
to our attainments, so that the name is an expression of our spiritual growth
and evolution. These do not matter. We recognise one another for what we are.
A.It does not present a proper picture of what is involved in
reincarnation. It is not a calamity, because all human earthly relationships do
not necessarily endure. When the Nazarence was in your world and they told him
about about his mother being present, he asked: "Who is my mother? Who is my
father?" The larger soul never incarnates in its entirety in matter. That
portion of which you are aware in an earthly body is only a splinter and not
the whole. Other splinters may incarnate at different periods and in different
nationalities. The splinters may have earthly and even astral relationships,
but these need not be a spiritual relationship.
What will always endure is the love, not the blood tie. If there are love
and the blood tie, then the bond, because it is a willing bond, will continue
in the worlds beyond yours.
A.It is dependent upon the work that has to be done. The guiding
spirit, and we always work with groups or bands, is the one selected as the
spokesman. If the task involved is to develop a particular form of mediumship
that guiding spirit will prevail throughout the whole of the earth life. If the
development is only a phase and there are other phases to be embraced, then
other members of the group will advance to the fore.
A.This is the difficulty of language, to attempt to express in finite
words that which is infinite and thus beyond language. Spirit, being superior
to matter, cannot be contained in matter. The lesser cannot include the
To me the Great Spirit is the law, the intelligence, the power which is
responsible for the whole of the universe and all that it contains. That spirit
is neither male nor female. That spirit is not possessed of personality, in the
sense that you understand personality.
But the Great Spirit is not impersonal in the sense that you cannot
reach that power. You are an essential part of the Great Spirit, as
the Great Spirit is an essential part of you. In order to help to understand is
some measure what is involved, we are forced to use some of your earthly
expressions, but always we are conscious of the limitation of language to
express what is beyond all language.
A.Yes, with the proviso that creation is constantly expanding and an
infinite process. It is not an accomplished fact. It is a fact that is always
growing. It is not an accomplished fact. It is a fact that is always
A.That part of the Great Spirit that is expressed in evolution must
undergo the evolutionary processes, because infinity fills the whole universe.
No part of the universe can be absent from the Great Spirit, of which it
is an integral part. It is very complicated.
A.Yes, it is one of the reasons. The question of spirit incarnation
into matter, and what should be its natural withdrawal from matter, are
governed by natural laws. You can, particularly with death, cause a
premature passing, but that would not be in harmony with the natural law.
The soul itself knows when it is to be incarnated and when it is to leave your
world, even though you may not be consciously aware of these facts. If it is
time for the spirit to quit the body, which is inevitable as part of the law of
life, then no healing - I speak generally now - can compel it to stay.
You must remember that the whole subject of spiritual healing is a
highly complex one, that primarily it is designed not to heal bodies but to
touch souls, and all disease has a part to play in the man's unfoldment.
Disease and health are necessary for the experiences of human souls. These
are very controversial issues.