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Recently I was reading an article which mentioned The Fall and the Garden of Eden. There are several theories about the concept of The Fall, such as Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden or fallen angels being cast out of Heaven, but it got me thinking…. what if The Fall is a metaphor for the descent of our consciousness through the chakras with each incarnation? It is generally accepted that the development of the physical body proceeds from root to crown but our spiritual self or Higher Self descends downwards from crown to root. At the beginning of each incarnation our spiritual self leaves the consciousness of the bliss of unity to descend down to the consciousness of the earth plane. Could it be that The Fall is actually this Fall of Consciousness?
The Garden of Eden is likened to the bliss of unity with spirit, which is a good description for the 7th chakra, the crown chakra. Many who journey to the afterlife in meditation or near death experience describe being in a beautiful garden. Many spirit communications have also reported existing in a beautiful garden.
As we descend from the unity of the 7th chakra, we enter the duality of the 6th chakra, or third eye chakra, which is represented by the dual forces of Chokmah and Binah on the Tree of Life. At the third eye, our energy splits into conscious and unconscious. I have always felt that the forces of light and dark play out very strongly in this chakra. This idea is depicted perfectly in the High Priestess tarot card with the two columns Boaz and Jachin, one black and one white, representing the subconscious and conscious minds. Does the dark pillar contain all the issues/karmic patterns we come into this lifetime with, with the aim of bringing them into the light of consciousness for healing? Here lies the duality of good and bad – our potential for greatness and healing along with the destructive elements of the shadow self. This chakra is where we have the opportunity to exercise our free will with our choice of action. The question to ask when considering which action to take should always be ‘Is this action in line with my truth, with love and with my highest good?’ If yes, we stay on the right path. If not, we lose our way and suffer the consequences of not living as we should.
We are making choices throughout our whole lives. Even in childhood we are learning the consequences of the choices we make. It can take years to undo the damage caused in terms of lack of self-worth and self-confidence and find our way back to Truth and Light. When we understand that the dark Boaz column signifies negation and the light Jachin column signifies beginning, this makes perfect sense. This journey back to Truth and Love, otherwise known as the healing process, is the clearing out of the negative energy created when we chose the path of illusion over love.
At the 5th chakra, the throat chakra, we are learning to express ourselves and define who we are. At the 6th chakra we had the choice to be true to ourselves or live in line with the demands or expectations of others. Here, the 5th chakra, is where we express the energy of that choice. If we have chosen the path of illusion and false beliefs, the shadow self is exerting its influence and we are afraid to be ourselves and we end up living according to other people’s paths, not our own. If we are able to express our Higher Self using the energy of light from the 6th chakra we will make healthy life choices that support our growth and our truth.
As our energy moves down from the 5th chakra to the 4th, our heart centre expresses how we feel about the life choices we have made. If we are living our truth, we will live in joy, contentment, inner peace, abundance and harmony. If not, there will always be an underlying sense of dissatisfaction and frustration; happiness and inner peace remain elusive.
At the third chakra, the solar plexus, the energy of the 4th chakra descends and expresses itself as self-acceptance, self-worth and self-validation – or the opposite, self-doubt and low self-esteem. If you are happy in yourself and with the choices you have made, you naturally value yourself much more highly that if you are anxious and depressed. The solar plexus chakra carries the energy of how we really feel about ourselves. If you are living according to your highest potential and expression, your self-esteem and capacity for contentment and love will be high. If you are struggling to find your path and struggling to separate truth from the illusions you have bought into over the years, it will always feel like you are struggling to find yourself. How we think about ourselves affects how we relate to others. Solar plexus energy stresses that our primary relationship is with ourselves. If that relationship isn’t happy and healthy, other relationships we subsequently forge will reflect that lack of inner harmony. That is why external relationships can never bring us the contentment we seek; that contentment has to come from within, at the solar plexus, first.
The focus of the 2nd chakra, or sacral chakra, is relationships with others and creativity. Consider your relationships – are they healthy? What do the people in your life reflect about you? The people you meet and situations you encounter externally in life reflect how you feel about yourself and about what is happening within you. When the sacral chakra is functioning well, your creative juices will flow. This creativity can take a variety of forms including creating plans and bringing new ideas to birth, creating art and craft work, singing, dancing and writing, as well as creativity in the form of fertility at the physical level. When this chakra is blocked, the energy isn’t flowing down from the solar plexus at a high enough frequency. In other words, if our self-esteem and self-worth are low and we do not properly value ourselves, we are either not able to express ourselves creatively at all or it may be expressed in unhealthy ways such as violent or subversive tendencies.
Finally the energy reaches the base or root chakra, the 1st chakra, and fully merges with the dense energy of the earth plane. In most cases, the energy is now de-spiritualised, focusing solely on work, money and security. Life revolves around making ends meet, the hardships of life and the endless treadmill of working to survive. However if the energy has remained high and healthy and is in line with the Higher Self, it can create a trust in the universe to provide for our needs, faith in a higher power and a career that is more of a vocation or labour of love. You are now living your true purpose while here on earth.
To summarise this journey through the chakras then, I believe that The Fall is not a fall from grace at all (as was traditionally believed) but rather a fall of consciousness into the heavier density of the earth plane. We can make our journey a lot easier by aligning with our truth and living from our own higher spiritual ideals rather than buying into the illusions, prejudices and falsehoods of the society we live in. Wherever we are now, we can return to the energy of the 6th chakra and make a different choice and follow a different path. Connecting to our own truth is essential for the great healing potential it holds. When we make choices in line with our growth, we are choosing the path of love and light and making positive, life-affirming choices. Our energy will start to flow more freely and naturally, attracting greater potential for happiness and wellbeing.
Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Coach, Holistic Therapist and Meditation Teacher based at 15 Wheeler Gate in Nottingham city centre. Helen has been on the spiritual path since 2001 and has considerable knowledge of healing and the healing journey. For further information about her Reiki courses and therapies please visit her website or ‘like’ her Facebook page Helen Shortland Holistics.
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