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Spessartine Garnet
Spessartine Garnet
The ‘Stone of Whole Harmony’, brings forth deep healing by encouraging the bodies self repair process, stimulating completely natural renewal, that given by nature itself.
A stone that brings balance on spiritual journeys, helping to keep ones feet on the ground. Alongside this, Spessartine Garnet can be very helpful where there has been confusion caused by the being getting pulled into systems of belief without real knowing, understanding or just out of pure desperation for answers or comfort, this stone will allow the being involved to see a clearer picture, as well as giving courage and space for self thinking.
Where there is need for security, stability and focus, this stone can take the role of both male and female sense of support; like that of a mothering or fathering figure. That aside, Spessartine Garnet can simply assist in the raising of the beings inner self support.
This stone resonates with the bodies lower Energy Centres, bringing back synchronization and especially helping in rooting the self. This is very good where the being feels unsettled or uncomfortably uprooted in current surroundings. If this uprooting has been brought on by the being getting pulled into systems of belief without real knowing, understanding or just out of pure desperation for answers or comfort. Spessartine Garnet can help to bring a clearer picture, as well as giving courage and space for self thinking.
"Feeling lost is like a form of fear. On

Spessartine Garnet
e is never truly lost in that of physical existence or in that of spiritual existence. The solution is inside all, that of contentment, peace and love"
Where there is need for security, stability and focus, Spessartine Garnet can help the being to find all of this within, as well as helping to bring recognition of helpful sources all around the self.
A special offering of Spessartine Garnet is that it can help in settling a detached soul. To the being who is out of balance from the physical body and physical existence. Also very good in "soul removal", where the being has a departed soul attracted to themselves. Spessartine Garnet can help in the process of helping "soul release" to the physically departed who has been unable to settle enough to cross over into the spirit world.
A stone that helps strengthen the imagination as well encouraging deepened thought, from the sub-conscious onto the higher conscious. Good for those wishing to travel deep into the mind and inner worlds.
This stone brings the being to a more connected state to nature and the environment, to natural alternatives, encouraging an awareness and sensitivity in such areas.
Spessartine Garnet strives to bring healing, balance and alignment to the whole being. It is a stone that offers true hope and a stepping stone for a harmonised life ahead.
“I shall become a stepping stone, one of the many creators of footsteps of light, a true messenger of Harmony itself”
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