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Red Lemurian Quartz
Red Lemurian Quartz
The colour within this charmed crystal is a pale red/pink and is not a covering, the energy is emitting from its heart.
Perfect for people whose self-confidence needs a boost or whose energy is weakening.
Lemurian Quartz Crystals have been given this name as they have the ability to allow you to recover information, from ancient Lemuria, through the stones.
The Lemurian natives lived on this earth in ancient times and worked expansively with crystals. It seems that some kind of immense disaster overcame the Lemurian people before they disappeared from the earth.
It is widely believed that the Le

Red Lemurian Quartz
muria individuals were innocent people who deeply loved the earth.
It is believed that those who lived during the time of ancient Lemuria were highly spiritual beings and that they left messages within the stones for us to tap into now.
These crystals seem to have been programmed before they were placed into the ground, when they are used many individuals experience emotional healing from the deeply loving vibration.
They may boost your concentration and balance your emotions. If you follow the ladders on the sides of the stones they have the capacity to allow you to make contact with the Divine, ever upwards over successive meditations.
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