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Epidote & Prehnite Point
Epidote & Prehnite
The 'Crystal of Awareness', holds alluring energies that can take the keeper on a journey into the Cosmic Realms.
"To look into the sky and see past the stars is a whole new awareness to behold"
Epidote & Prehnite, will not only have a heightening affect on the senses of hearing, seeing and feeling, it will also increase telepathic abilities, this will be done in harmonic stages so not to cross the threshold of the keeper.
Great to give to children (or adults) who are sensitive to spirit but hold fear at what is in front of them, this crystal form will act as a guardian as well as easing one gently into an u

Epidote & Prehnite Point
Epidote & Prehnite, will help to calm upset and angry emotions, like a gentle flowing breeze the energies will surround where ever it is called upon.
Very good for those of you who work with and need to understand numbers, equations and programming, Epidote & Prehnite will help to quicken and strengthen the minds "database". Excellent for future mathematicians!
Also a powerful crystal of protection; "To call upon me is to shield you for eternity"
This crystal form will almost reach out to those who seek to open doorways to new awareness, Epidote & Prehnite will tell you quite clearly if you’re its new found keeper.
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