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Dioptase in Quartz with traces of Papagonite
Dioptase in Quartz with traces of Papagonite
This is a new find from the Messina Mine, Limpopo, South Africa.
The 'Stone of Security'
A beautiful stone that will offer security to those who feel abandoned or alone.
Dioptase helps to change the way of thinking so that the thought patterns break the cycle of insecure feelings that often comes from that such as troubled childhoods and corrupt relationships. A stone that will give its keeper a standing point, at which the situations of the past can be gently released and then the present can really start to be brought into positive awareness.
Dioptase helps to heal the heart energy centre, where a lot of insecurities really come from. Having experiences of a ‘broken heart’ and loss of loved ones, are situations that stay like a recording in this particular area of energy. These recordings can be helped to sit better with the help of Dioptase. One only needs to even have a tiny glimmer of hope, Dioptase will amplify that glimmer of hope to help it turn into reality.
A very good stone to give to children who suffer from insecurities of abandonment and loss, or feel very alone or alienated.
Dioptase can be placed around the area of sleeping, maybe under the pillow of the bed, to help heal the heart energy centre at times of rest when one is more open for healing to take place and for positive changes to take place. Even if insecure feelings have been

Dioptase in Quartz with traces of Papagonite
created with no obvious reason, Dioptase will still strive to help its keeper just as much in this area.
Dioptase can help lift the dark clouds that often surround such beings, allowing the rays of sunlight to shine through.
This stone also helps one to gain knowledge and wisdom from all that is faced in life, this is not only offered on a physical level, but also on a Divine level, giving the opportunity of spiritual development. Dioptase helps the being to speak from the heart more freely, with compassion and sincerity. This is a stone that is very beneficial in the clearing of throat upsets, and encourages healthy function in this area.
A beautiful stone with a lot of support to offer, Dioptase will always bring positive encouragement even if its just a tiny step at a time.
Melody suggests :-
Papagoite emits a gentle and tranquilizing energy, useful for clearing and opening the throat chakra and the third eye. It assists one in speaking with love and clarity, bringing smoothness to the verbalization of that which is in the mind.
Papagoite provides for an optimistic and broad minded outlook. Papagoite can be used to release carefully restrained inhibitions, transforming those limitations to expressions of pleasure.
Used in meditation, Papagoite can assist one in the attainment of a state of extreme beauty and delight. Papagoite is also quite useful in strengthening the bonding of relationships.
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