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Boli Stone
Boli-Stones have a very concentrated energetic vibration.
It is suggested that Boli-Stones have made themselves known to help us to us to broaden our perspective in this concluding time pattern and to speed up of processes. This has been happening since midsummer 2008 when a cosmic beginning was being introduced on singular levels. From that point on a massive white light spread all around to help us clear and cleanse the Earths vibration for the better good.

Boli Stone
are teaching us at a emotional level, “the deeper you dig inside yourself the higher you rise”.
Use Boli-Stones to help you change your consciousness; they assist, by getting you to clear your mind of current outdated “fixed ideas”.
The Boli-Stones are brought up from within the earth through the desert sands.
Boli-Stones are found at an isolated place in the Rub al Khali, You may remember this as the desert, which Lawrance from Arabia used to journey.
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