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Auralite 23 Wand
Auralite 23, brings forth reminder of the positive connections from the self to other beings, to paths and ways of life, and to places that bring inner peace and serenity.
Kindred Spirit Stone or Auralite 23 connects to its keeper like a twin spirit. This stone teaches that "All is as One", reminding of how alike one-another are to each other despite outer differences.
A stone that reads into its keeper's spirit, searching and highlighting that which could be improved, and that which can benefit from healing or clearance. Kindred Spirit Stone or Auralite 23 will then give support and help to light the way to sources that can be of benefit once it has completed its search.
This is a stone that opens up the mind and spirit of the being, enough to recognise connections to the inner self, and to outer life, that are worthy of exploration and strengthening.
Kindred Spirit Stone teaches of the many benefits of recognising places of peace and serenity, and then integrating those places into daily life. Alongside this, Kindred Spirit Stone removes the 'ticking clock', replacing it with space to breath and relax, bringing opportunity for inner solitude.
Also, Kindred Spirit Stone helps to remove feelings of burden and stress. It is a stone that envelopes the being with an air of calm and brings gentle waves of soothing energy.
Where there are feelings of low emotion and depression, Kindred Spirit Stone can help to lift away the energies that follow such feelings. This is also a stone that can help ease, and even put a stop, to sleep disorders that are closely related to Insomnia, or where it is Insomnia alone, with no known cause.
Kindred Spirit Stone helps to ease nerves and anxiety, as well as helping to lower the tr

Auralite 23 Wand
igger of panic attacks, and the effects that follow. It is also a stone that can be called upon for comfort and calming, during times of shock and distress.
Kindred Spirit Stone helps to relax the body and can be beneficial in the removal of tension, headaches, eye strain, muscle discomfort and muscle spasms. It can also be of help to vascular health, bringing an improved function and healing.
Due to this stones relaxing and spiritual properties, it can be a very good support during meditation, astral travel, past life regression, and to the being that connects with spirit for the help of the self and of others.
Kindred Spirit Stone resonates well with the body's energy centres, especially from the Heart centre, up to the Crown centre. This stone will work positively with what is associated with these particular energy centres.
For the being who gains comfort and support from Angel awareness, Kindred Spirit Stone can be very helpful in communications and connections in this area, as it is a stone that has an open channel to the Angelic Realms.
This stone teaches of the law of attraction. Kindred Spirit Stone throws light on what is beneficial to the being, giving chance of many positive opportunities. It is a stone that removes and wards away negativity, replacing it with positivism. Kindred Spirit Stone removes much disillusion.
A stone that also tones down anger and cools hot tempers, Kindred Spirit Stone teaches the being to think before speaking or acting for the self, and towards others. Also this is a stone that can help to remove prejudice and unnecessary judgement.
Kindred Spirit Stone teaches of making good use of knowledge, and integrating it into needful areas of the self, and into life itself.
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